The sword seems awfully dull in the blade? It seems as though I can just use it to smack somebody instead of slicing and dicing. Consider sharpening the blade and making the handle possibly smaller? Overall though, very good for your first blender creations
It’s pretty decent for a first ever model in blender! However it’s a bit to chunky! Although it is not as detailed as some of the swords that are created in 3D softwares, try using some techniques in blender. I also recommend you to add some texture or color to it instead of having the whole sword one color, add more proper detail and actual shape to it. The handle doesn’t really fit with the sword in my opinion and it is kinda dull if you know what I mean.
As what I said before try following some reference images as a guide while trying to make models inside blender to get the full detail. As by looking at your sword, you can add many details to the blade and the whole model itself that can improve the overall look of the sword maybe take a look at this image to see what I mean about the fuller and edges shape.
Other than that it’s decent keep on learning and practicing.
And voila! it looks better (I’m using a cube so the polygons are already smoothed). If you want to mare hard edges smoother, you can use a subdivision modifier. However, some shapes may get unwanted looks. Such as:
The shape was already hideous but with a proper shape like your sword, it should look nice. But try and make the sword sharper. It looks like a pacifier. That’s it for me.
When shading smooth you always want to use “Auto - Smoothing”, this will make it so you can change the angle it smooths at, so it doesn’t look like a toy, but it still looks fairly realistic, this also means that you can use less faces on models and still make them look (almost) as good as models with a-lot more faces.
Your hat is pretty nice! I think the hat doesn’t need any changing at all! But for the sword, I might have a complaint. The sword is round and I think it looks a bit wonky. If you could make the blade a little flatter, it would look way better! But I think these are pretty nice blender models since this is your first rodeo!