After I put it in, it was immediately deleted. I got the image from the web, so I am worried it had some kind of hidden website link in it.
I don’t think you will be banned I am not sure though! It happened to my friend and he is not banned!
I mean… It depends what the image actually was.
More than likely not though as you would of bee banned already
It depends on how gruesome the image was and how many times you get your images content deleted.
I recommend making an alt account to upload all your images and etc to protect your main account from termination.
What was the image about? If it was really bad, then you probably would’ve been banned by now. Sometimes it’s just for very little things.
I once received a warning for having a Yu-Gi-Oh decal on one of my games and had it deleted. I’m guessing it was because of copyright.
You shouldn’t worry.
If you could present the image we could give a more accurate answer.
If the deletion was immediate it means the image has tried to been uploaded before by another user that also got content deleted.
You should be safe however I’d suggest you show us the image to examine if you feel it has a hidden meaning behind it.
Message Mod_Review_Requests for help. We might not be able to help but staff can!
I once got a warning for putting “Bill Nye Approved” on an ad. They said people would click on it multiple times, but I wouldn’t click it once
Alright, I didn’t get a warning, I’m not sure what it was anyways. Thank you.