One of my places is unjoinable and restricted

Reproduction Steps
I have no idea why this happened so I can’t tell how to reproduce it

Expected Behavior
For the place to be not restricted, for the configure this experience button on the place to work and for me to be able to open studio for the place

Actual Behavior
If you try to get teleported to this place through the main game it’ll say the place is restricted, also the play button is no longer there on the page for the place

Unable to verify that you have access to this experience. Please try again later.

Is displayed on the page where the play button usually is

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: All Star Tower Defense - Roblox
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Very Rarely
Date First Experienced: 2022-03-07 00:03:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-03-07 00:03:00 (-05:00)


It appears that you cannot join the place or see its playability because it does not have a universe id… :thinking:


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Yea that just fixed it, I never removed it as a universe place maybe it was a bug or something. Thanks


How did you end up fixing this? I am having the exact same problem with all my old group places.

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The places did not have a main place, go to configure game and add it to the main place

Thanks! This was driving me insane.

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