One side of my vehicle goes backwards

Hello, does anyone knows how to rotate hinges so that they go the way I want without applying negative force?

Here’s what happens:

Here’s what I want:

The code I use: (ik its bad it’s just for testing)

local Seat = script.Parent
local Bogie = Seat.Parent

local LeftHinges = {Bogie:FindFirstChild("1").HingeConstraint, Bogie:FindFirstChild("2").HingeConstraint}
local RightHinges = {Bogie:FindFirstChild("3").HingeConstraint, Bogie:FindFirstChild("4").HingeConstraint}

while task.wait(0.1) do
		for _, Hinge in LeftHinges do
			Hinge.AngularVelocity += -(Seat.ThrottleFloat)
		for _, Hinge in RightHinges do
			Hinge.AngularVelocity += Seat.ThrottleFloat

Thank you.

I fixed it a minute after posting this.
To fix this, I rotated the attachments.

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