One-sided lagging when two players hold the same thing

Hello! I was wondering how can I stop one player from lagging when holding something with another player in my game. Here is an example of one player (the smooth one)

and here is the other player (the laggy one)

both of these are in the same server.

If you need any more clarification on anything, I would be happy to provide it!


Try using setnetworkownership, give the ownership of the laggy character’s humanoidrootpart (the person who is being controlled by the other player) to the player who is controlling them.


This seems to have fixed my previous issue, but now, I have a new one where the other player looks like they are lagging, but on their screen they are not lagging at all. Check it:
One thinking the other is laggy

The player who is lagging obviously not lagging

The player looks laggy on the server too, by the way.

It’s definitely because of the ownership from the server that maeks the character movements jittery and stuff, are you welding the HRPs together?

I’m not welding the hrps together, but their arms are connected to the same model with a rope contstraint.

Ohhh, try setting the network ownership of the model’s primary basepart to the server because I’m assuming one of the clients own them. Causing the jitteryness.

Doing this seems to have just reverted the issue back to step one. :cry:

Oh, probably because it was already owned by the server to begin with which is weird.

Try setting the ownership of the model’s primary basepart to either player 1 or player 2.

This just brings the issue back to where the other player looks like they are lagging, but on their screen they are not lagging at all.

Why don’t you anchor the player who is being held? Hm? Hmmmm? That’ll give ownership of it to the server. Or something.

Well I want the player to be able to move, and I don’t think anchoring it would be very helpful.

Try it and see what happens, it would be nice to give it a shot.

Tried it out, and it exactly how I expected, and one player is stuck in place while the other one just does whatever