Ongoing issue with roblox inventory dissapearing


Still looking for a solution in regards to an issue that is affecting gameplay quite significantly. Glitch where the roblox inventory/hotbar will dissapear completely for a player, only to be fixed by rejoining. My only guess could be it has something to do with an interference with shift lock - but don’t see in what way there could be a confliction. If anyone has seen any instances of this before and what has caused said issue, please let me know!


I haven’t got any problem from anything like that. Do you disable coregui or tamper anything like that?

Now you mention it, I do recall a coreGui related warning in the console which I believe I just ignored thinking it was one of those typical bugs that goes away after a while (a roblox issue) if it reappears Il give it a check and put it in here if its related!

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