Every year one of the world’s biggest board game conventions, (aka The Spiel), takes place in a city in Germany called Essen.
As it was cancelled this year due to the COVID pandemic, I was thinking to recreate the experience online in Roblox.
A quick google search for a hall plan, another for game and publisher lists, lot’s of sticky tape and glue and ready is the online convention… well, it’s far from ready, but I thought I would share it to get your opinion
What do you think? Has someone of you done something like this already? Any tips or tricks?
What would you expect out of an online convention?
What I would still like to add is: A welcome area, one or more mini games (maybe an obby in one of the halls), I also need to re-arrange the game displays, but I will do that a few days before the fair, so that the list of games and publishers that I have is close to complete.
Hello, I can upload more pictures later today. The main structure is that the game displays are arranged by game publisher from left to right. Each group/publisher has a different color from it’s neighbor. In the second image you can see 2 games from Repos Production (salmon color) and 1 game from Rio Grande Games (blue color).
Some more pictures from the game displays. They all contain the game cover on the front, the main statistics on the left (number of players, playtime, age, rating, …), a short description on the back and a list of game mechanics on the right.
I was thinking to change the “time” from time to time, so that there will be a different mood. Although I have not thought this through, yet. I would mean I need a lot of lights.
So far, it looks awesome. When it officially comes out, I will play it. I would say it looks a bit open so far, you could put some more stuff in there. I’m looking forward to play this game.
Thank you @xXMonkeyGiraffeXx, I think I will leave some halls out and fill up the remaining ones. I could also import more games, but let’s see. Hmm, I need to think about that.
Hello @blitzahon, indeed I was also thinking to drop the concepts of halls entirely to go for something like an island or a forest like this one (like BuilderChallenge Ancient Forest Ravine - Roblox) with games placed all over the map. But I think I will not have enough time to do that.
For now I have added a day/night cycle, so that the map becomes a bit more interesting. In the game it will be much slower
Really like what you’re doing, hope everyone is still safe from this virus. But I am thankful for how many people have done more then they wanted! Stay safe everyone. Good job, keep it up!
Hello, here is one more screenshot. I think it is almost done now. There is so much more that I would like to add, but this is pretty much everything I have time for.
If you would like to test and have a look (and ideally provide me some feeback ), just send me a friend request.