I belive that the comments on models and plugins are full of nonsense. Many of the feedback isn’t real unless they have tested the model/plugin it self.
I think that they should only be able to comment if they have bought the product.
I belive that the comments on models and plugins are full of nonsense. Many of the feedback isn’t real unless they have tested the model/plugin it self.
I think that they should only be able to comment if they have bought the product.
Honestly, something similar should be for games… Players should only comment if they’ve experienced the asset. (Played, used, etc)
ScriptOn has posted on games, atleast for paid acess. [fixed name mess up]
Who’s omar?
Buying models/plugins would be an interesting feature (but in all seriousness, commenting as long as it’s more than just clicking ‘Take One’)
Similar things are already in effect, but for voting. It shouldn’t be to hard to put something like this for comments.
Sorry, wrot wrong name, was chatting on skype while making the post xD
I think they should overhaul the whole commenting system.
Rather than restricting people who legitimately have a comment about something, they should add options to filter comments.
The options could be to either see relevant comments (people that own the model/plugin), or all comments.
On top of that, a comment rating system would be pretty awesome as well
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