.OnServerEvent not recieving

its not printing anything when fired.

code: (in serverscript service)

local itemsFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.CHEESELORDM1
	print("recieved M1")
	local rightArm = char:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
	local item = itemsFolder.chezSword:Clone()
	item.Parent = rightArm
	local weld = itemsFolder.ChezSwordWeldConstraint:Clone()
	weld.Parent = rightArm
	item.CFrame = rightArm.CFrame + Vector3.new(0, -1, 0)
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Do you call it from the server script? “script.Parent.OnServerEvent” not “script.Parent.OnClientEvent”

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May I see how you fire the remote on the client? Also you’ve said that this script is in ServerScriptService, in this you are doing script.Parent.OnServerEvent if this is correct you are trying to access the remote event in ServerScriptService which client (LocalScripts) cannot directly access

You should place the RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage, not ServerScriptService.

im so dumb bruh :sob: i moved the script and forgot to change it from script.Parent to game.ReplicatedStorage etc etc

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