I am trying to make a part where it uses an on touch script to run a function but I wanted to make the on touch only work to the player so if a Brick touches it does nothing to the brick only the player
I’ve tried writing this code but still does not work:
Piggy-backing off what @Grayseon said, you can also use Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter() if you want ONLY players to change colour, and not any other NPCs that you have in your game and such
You can also use a for loop to change transparency instead of doing separate lines.
To break down the for loop, it works like this:
for Transparency = 0, .8, .2 do
A for loop takes 3 numbers, the starting number, the ending number, and the increment. Since you are increasing the transparency by .2 every .1 seconds, the increment should be .2.
Burn = script.Parent
function onTouched(part)
if part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(26)
for Transparency = 0, .8, .2 do
part.Transparency = Transparency
connection = Burn.Touched:connect(onTouched)
You can use game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) to check if character is player. This can be useful if you change the rig of player and humanoid name is for example "Slasher" you know what i mean?