Oonja's Diner & B-DN4 - The Roblox Game That Got Me An A+


My science teacher allowed me to make a Roblox game for a science project. This project required us to make a 3D DNA structure, with the different parts labeled, and colored.

I’ve received an A+ on it, because I aced the science portion, now, I’m coming to the forum to get feedback on the development portion.

I quite possibly put the most effort into this, than anything else I’ve worked on. It might not be the best, but It’s a huge improvement for me.

The diner. Had 0% relevance for the science project, but I just felt like making it, as this was a group project, and my partner is OonjaBanoonja.

The bunker. B-DN4 obviously refers to Bunker - DNA. I will admit, I worked harder on the non-science portion, so I definitely could’ve done better with the bunker.

The game can be found here.

How do you enter the bunker?

Use the hatch near the front of the diner.

I will admit, I heavily used Tree Generator, by @FootBa11 , as you can see on the map.

Please give genuine feedback, whether it be science or development.

Forums made to help with my Science Assignment.

:link: How do you increase Blur the farther you are away from something?

:link: Would roblox think nucleotides are drugs?
