I need the tool to trigger its Server-Brother when action is performed. Currently i can only use bindable events nested in every Classes self.ToolAction but my remote events dont work because i cant figure out how to refference the same tool on the server.
The only way I see about doing this is using something cosmetic on the server and just create a module that replicates properties of my tool class on the client but then a lot of the logic is left on the client to decide and i dont like that.
I even tried remote events but the server and the client dont see the same tool its two different instances so they cant both refference the event, and if the event is in replicated storage then i cant refference the tool because i dont know how to find it in its class without going thru all tools and finding the owher of the class instance which is very low performance, there must be a simpler way to index an instance in the class
I searched the forum and i found like 30 other people with the same issue and no clear reply. The clearest answer i got was to create a tool on server and send it to the client, but how would that work if all my classes are automatically created with Tags o nthe tool instances.