[OPEN] [100k] flashlight studios is looking for a professional scripter

flashlight studios are looking for a really professional scripter to work on our horror game “the day”

About Us

hi we are called flashlight studio for a reason we focus on details

The Team
@alexxk5 - Environment Design
@you - Scripter

About The Job

we are looking for a developer who can work on a objectives system/quest system
our quest should use a pyramide system as showen in this image

example of pyramide system:


if you don’t know what a pyramide system is you can look at this guide to game design https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:629026/FULLTEXT01.pdf

the scripter should also be able to make UI

the scripter should also be able to make events so big quest > small quest 1 > small quest 2 > events.
we have levels in our game or chapters all chapters should have objectives
all events contain a story line.
the scripter should also be able to make a data store system for the quests system, example if the player quits or leave the game the data should be store so he can acesss it form the game menu in our game and continue form where he left


ingame images

the scripter should also be motivated


we are paying in robux 100k robux for finnish work long term

Contact Us

you can contact us be our discord server https://discord.gg/Fp4nW2q
or by adding my discord alexxk5#0299
or u can contact me on roblox developer forum

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

play the game here: https://www.roblox.com/games/4757275119/The-Day

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