About Me
Hi there! I am a small (gfx/logo) designer i can make you any logo you want! for a very low price of 20 robux
You can view my logo('s) here:
i’m accepting 20 robux through group payments
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: DDBoyZ#0196
Thanks for reading! 
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You can just edit your post instead of making a whole new one.
oh, i’m really really sorry! 
Your price is 20 robux per logo? That’s extremely cheap, I’m definitely interested.
A few questions:
Would you take shirt payments as a payment option?
Is this only for games, or can this be used for Discord server icons/Discord PFPs?
What software do you use to make these logos? I’m trying to make good thumbnails but I can’t find a good software to create them.
You replied to the wrong person, but I’m pretty sure he accepts shirts as payment.

I’m interested but I don’t have discord so can I get the image from PM in dev forum? I can easily pay you if I can get game icon from PMs here.