[open 24/7] designers for girl clothing 100-200 robux

I own a streetwear clothing group (NEXT SATURDAY - Roblox) and I’m looking for people to make girl clothing!

here’s what im looking for:
-SELF MADE Jeans w Tiger High Tops - Roblox (something about this design is really good, the shoes are converse and the ripped jeans at the bottom add a nice flare to it making it streetwear, and unique)
-Highest High Waisted Jeans - Roblox (this is unique and different, the little rips on it and how its a type of shoulder dress is really good and the fact that it’s denim too? that’s really unique and different from other things i’ve seen and i’m looking for things like this)
-grunge sticker jeans - Roblox (these are quite interesting, it brings smth diff… i’d prefer more detail in these pants tho)
-Red Jeans w Shoelace Belt - Roblox (i like these mainly because of the shoelace tie) be creative!
-Light Brown Cardigan w/ Dress Shirt Underneath - Roblox this is pretty good, i love the detail and shading!

Things im not looking for:
-High waist white pants & superstars - Roblox (these shoes are not it, i really dislike how they’re super big and they look cartoony. Also, the pants have no detail whatsoever, literally anyone could make this. we are looking for UNIQUE, streetwear, things that no one has seen before.)
-Black High Waisted Ripped Jeans - Roblox (same things as before, even with the rips these look low quality. we are high quality streetwear clothing group)
-Relaxed denim jeans - Roblox (these look gothic, no)

Payment: Payment is 100-200 robux!

Contact me on Discord: TGTATBO°#6925

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