(OPEN | % + 2K) Looking For Long Term UI Designer + Scripter

Link: Unlocked Studios - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for a scripter + UI Designer to join Unlocked Studios to help us improve our development. We are not looking for a Scripter & UI Designer but someone who can do both. We are expecting communication with me and the other team members along with an active update on what you have completed. We are currently in the works of making a Deathmatch Shooter and I need a replacement since our old scripter retired (and the last four just keep quitting). Currently, we just need a new round system (Has to be done by this month), along with a new menu scripted. (Along with fresh UI) As we move on we will have more for you to do. More Information will be given to you before you get hired.


  • At Least 2+ Year Of Scripting
  • At Least 2+ Year Of UI
  • Able To Work Well With Others
  • 13+
  • (Would Like) Experience In Programming For Multi-Platform Gameplay (Xbox, Mobile, etc.)
  • Communication Is Very Important
  • Status Update at least 1- 2 times a week (we are very verbal in our DM’s)


Payment for this and all our other projects 30% share of all earnings + 1 - 2K :robux: .

Contact Us

Discord - TakeThisTaco#8042
Dev Forum - CommandoX9

Can’t Wait To Work With You! :heart:

The Team

CommandoX9 - UI, Terrain, Builder, GFX
SpacexCow - 3D Modeler, Scripter, Animator
OfficerMatt - Builder, Ideas
TanqR_Fan1231 - 3D Modeler, Animator
themrextreme2 - Terrain, Builder
kephawalks - Builder, Part Time Scripter (Mainly Builds)
couldbeyou- UI Designer, Scripter

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