[OPEN] [2M+ VISITS] City-17 is hiring a programmer!

City-17 Roleplay

About The Job

The Universal Union is searching for a programmer that’s interested and capable of leading the programming for a launched project.
We seek someone who can dedicate to an ambitious project in an active and steadily growing community, backed by plenty of experience and little hardship in completing the tasks that are required. Our group gathers daily activity and has an existing game along with the group funds to compensate developers for their efforts within reason. We seek a programmer that’s able to both design and script UIs according to instruction and reference. Our project consists of an existing roadmap, and existing references/assets to aid you as a programmer in completing the tasks that are mentioned. Be informed that we seek someone who’s willing to commit to our project for a long time, as this project can be time-consuming.

Please notice that we require a portfolio of work examples to review some of your capabilities as a developer. When applying, a portfolio should consist of examples that display your capability to design and script UI’s, your capability to script game functions, entities, or other relevant interactions that you’ve explored through your own work. We’d also appreciate being provided with detail of past experiences, time spent developing, and genres or styles that are of interest through text. The payment options written further below are our budgets.

The group is a Half-Life 2 project based on a Garry’s Mod game mode named Half-Life 2 Roleplay. We replicate cities from the original game(s) and design our own assets in addition. Further detail regarding the group and project can be discussed if a candidate of interest comes in contact with us.
Group link: CMB | The Universal Union - Roblox


We are offering up to 350,000 R$, payment will differ per individual and will be one of the first topics we cover during your interview.


We are only looking for high-end programmers who are fluent in-studio scripting. The programmer must be experienced in the following before applying;

  • 2+ years in programming.
  • Ability to create and script User Interface.


  • Ability to communicate through Discord voice call
  • Great communication and teamwork skills
  • Time management skills
  • Fix bugs from another person’s code

How to apply?

Make sure to send the following:

  • A cv/resume/portfolio of your own
  • Examples of code that you have written
  • Any previous games you have worked on before
  • Anything else that you’re proud of that you believe will help you gain an upper hand at this position.


You can contact me here on Developer Forum or Discord. Once the first wave of applications are sent in, we will respond as soon as possible.
Must be over the age of 13

- blueeattud#4404

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