[OPEN] [$350+] Hiring Scripter for Mount and Blade style Combat System


I am looking to hire an experienced scripter (2-3+ years) who has made similar systems in the past and can script a Mount and Blade: Bannerlord styled multi directional combat system. Essentially, the task involves being able to block/negate damage upon the swing of a sword. There would be four way, camera-based, blocks and swings. You simply block if your sword clashes with your opponent’s.

Preferred if you are also experienced with animating as this would certainly help with making both the processes - scripting and animating - as seamless as possible.

Otherwise, the animations will be provided to you and you would integrate them into several weapons with the same base scripts.

For some reference, an example game that has attempted to make combat comparable to M&B is: Kingdom - Roblox


I am willing to pay up to $350 depending purely on your experience, abilities, and the quality of the finished product.

Contact Us

Contact me on discord: eratos#9133
Do not message me if you do not have several years of experience or an example to show of past work.
Thank you.

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