[OPEN] [$750USD] Programmer for Polylabs


Polylabs was founded on the 18th of October 2020. We are a game studio that focuses on making entertaining games for everyone to enjoy. This is made possible by the wide variety of experiences across our entire development team. We are devoted to providing developers with experience to create and be imaginative giving our developers a lot of creative freedom to create things they feel passionate about.

Our current project: Car Factory

Car factory was originally envisioned back in late 2019 where we tried to come up with different ideas based on the demographic of Roblox in an attempt to find a gap in the market for a potential project. Originally it was a fairly simple idea, tycoon-like, short a simple. Later on passion and imagination took us further to where we are today with a range of ideas on how to further create and improve such an original idea as this.

Our current team
@Celkro - Project Manager
@Jhxan - Head Developer (Programmer)
@Abu_Hamo0d - Lead Developer (Modelling)
@Aerozia - Lead Developer (Building)
@pyskshi - Developer (Modelling)
@LuaEfficient - Developer (Modelling)

You can see our progress so far here: Car Factory 🏭 - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for a talented individual to become part of our development team and fit in as a programmer, this can be both long or short term with more details on the job below. You need to be able to handle deadlines and be a quick thinker to solving problems that you may face. You need to stay level-headed under pressure and be able to control motivation.

Our game is very close to completion, all assets needed for release are complete, the map is finished, the main bulk of programming is done and our UI is also complete.

You need to be familiar with or have done:

  • Rojo
  • Git/Github
  • AeroGameFramework
  • OOP Programming
  • 1+ year of Lua Experience

The Task

What currently needs to be finished before release:

  • A Blueprint System, allowing people to buy blueprints for the cars they want to make
  • Plot Extension, extending the area they can build in.
  • AI Workers, adding workers to complete jobs such as restocking.
  • Factory Maintenance, making machines break and stop working so either the player or mechanics need to fix it, also adding an upgrade system to the machinery.
  • Basic Tutorial
  • Leaderboard


We are paying on a task-to-task basis meaning that for every task you complete you will be paid at the end of it, for a long-term developer we are also open to other payment methods and are fairly open-minded to any suggestions made.

USD: $400-$750+
Other methods if needed

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or Discord: Zak#5748
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! Good luck! :slight_smile:


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