[ OPEN ] Advanced Animators Needed for a Turn-based MMORPG

Hey there! My name is Michael, and I am apart of a start-up studio working on a turn-based combat system like that of Wizard101 called Elysium. But to pull this style of gameplay off, we need an advanced animator who’s good at both creature and character animations.

We will discuss payment and whether it should be a flat rate or percentage based on your skill level and investment towards the game. But we will dive more into this through our conversation.

You can reach me either through Roblox or through Discord if you have any questions, or are just interested! My tag is TheDivineSoul#9167. I look forward to working with you! :slight_smile:

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Hello! I’ve contacted your discord.


Thanks for replying, Scythe! I shot you a message over on Discord, so get back to me when you have a moment.


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