About Us
Hello there we’re TCAOTR and we’re a group situated in the Clone Wars and we’re looking for an advanced morph gui to improve our games.
About The Job
You will have to do the GUI and the scripting for the morphing etc.
- Republic
- Hostile [ Own character and premade ]
- Civilian [ Own character and premade ]
- gamepass shop
- gamepass only morphs (Hostile and Republic)
- divsional morphs (republic team)
- paid morphs (republic team)
- main group morphs (republic team)
- [sections for them all]
- Good looking UI
- Not lagging
- Easy to set up
Example of something I want
I’m willing to pay ranging from 15-35 USD or more depends.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or on discord on Vectrivion#0587
Thanks for reading!