Yes, hello. Thanks for checking me out. I’m a SASAVASA1002 and I want to show you some of my builds. These builds are really cool to see. I’m for hire and I’m really cheap! -
- [SMALL MAP, like Tower Defense Sim] Western
Payment and Price
Prices are negotiable, most likely they depend on the style and theme of the map. Maximum ROBUX is [Original Price: 450, New Price: 1850] and minimum 250. -
Discord: NothingToSeeHere#2459
I am interested in hiring you to make a city. I will be paying you 450. Contact me on discord. My discord username is @callumgamemaker#9248
Doesn’t work, try mine user and hash
your does not work too. My username: Callumgamemaker#9248
Hey I’m interested I’ll contact you in two hours. kingerman89 #0890
Sure! I’m a little bit busy so expect me to be online tomorrow.
Increase your skill and increase the amount you charge.
450 robux is extremely low.
tbh, i will actually increase it to 850R$
450 is low??? i charge 250 for a whole map if u wanna look at it its on my profile they also old pics. xd
450 is VERY low, you should charge somewhere between 1k - 100k depending on your skill range.
can you see what i should charge I suck at that stuff
5 robux per obby stage is okay? If Yes, Dm Me: NvTheDeveloper#8022.
Jesus Christ, do yall have to chat in this dead-end conversation over a developer hiring?