[OPEN AND PAYING] Hiring terrain developer, builders

Hello! I’m shimon693 and I am currently starting a map for Vietnam War, more specifically, USAR 1960’s. I cannot make the map alone, so I need help from developers who are willing to work. I currently need:

  1. Terrain developer

  2. High poly builder

Terrain developers will work on the map, while the high poly developers will work on the assets of the game.

If you are working a long-term development, you will be payed 10% of our funds from the group (yet).

Terrain Dev: 1k+ robux per month
High poly builder: 0.6k robux per month

Terrain Developer:

  • Must have experience in developing terrain for at least 1.5 years+ with proof of past work


  • Must have experience in developing high poly buildings for at least 2 years+

All must have dedication, activity, and teamwork. I will 100% need a terrain dev or devs. I cannot hire high poly builders without anyone working as a terrain dev.

DM me at AffectVsEffect#3926

Group link: (unfinished uniform and unfinished GFX)

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