Hello, folks! I’m Vrilith! I’m the joint-founder of Bitwise (alongside @Unsorted), a small, yet visionary development team.
Fear not, though we are miniscule in comparison to many, we are determined!
At present, our team consists of merely myself and partner, @Unsorted. We hope with this post, that this can change for us.
Because of our limited manpower, the workload is split up between us, allowing us to dabble in a bit of everything.
The good stuff!
I’m here today to talk about an opening with ourselves concerning avatar design. With the release of skinned meshes, we have been anxious about utilising them in a new project for some cool characters.
Due to how giddy we are about this, we’re looking for someone who can design and model low-poly avatars that we can implement as characters. This means the meshes will require some kind of armature that can be animated; which brings me onto the second part.
An animating position will also open (both successful applicants will ideally collaborate with one another to make this happen, although the designer can choose to assume this role if they desire).
Maybe all of this seems a bit too broad (we will disclose some more informative details should you get in contact), and you’re not really interested or at least need some incentive before you can get started. Don’t fret, we’re paying the moneys.
As of right now, we’re looking for just one character, with the potential to release some skinned ‘packages’ at a later date (don’t concern yourself with that part too much). Our preferred method of payment is USD and we’re offering a negotiable price of up to $250.
Whether you were interested from the get-go, or the dollar symbol prefixing those 3 digits (thankfully no decimal point in between the 5 and 0) got you hooked, you’re going to need to get in touch!
You can contact myself on Discord at Vrilith#9647, or my partner at Weewoo#1999. Either or is fine, because we’ll most likely throw you into a group chat with us, so everyone’s on the same page!
We hope to hear back from you!