[OPEN] Blame || Advanced ROBLOX Scripter


Hey! I am Blame.

I am an advanced ROBLOX scripter, and I started scripting around 2014. I always aim to get better at scripting and helping communities out!

This is more of groups I’ve worked with and little things I’ve done, since I don’t usually save my work to “Showcase” it off.


Game here!

Tyranny is a little project made by me and Staffles, we tested out Proximity prompts, advance usage of Remote Events, and simple fighting mechanics.

(GROUP) The Iron Cafe

Group Here!

Iron Cafe is a Cafe Franchise on ROBLOX with over 200k+ members, and is VERY active. This group is very organized and pays well, and the staff and community overall are very nice. I have done many significant updates for this game, and have worked here for about a month or two now.


Game Here!
Error is a game that I am currently working on. This game isn’t updated regularly due to focusing on bigger and better projects, and commissions. This game is not finished and won’t be finished soon.

I’ve also worked for many small / medium groups, but will not be listing them since they aren’t as activate and aren’t as worthy for showcase.

I am available for at least 5-7 hours a day, depending on the day. I do sports and school, so I have a life. But holidays and weekends I can work very hard!

Payment is flexable and negotiable and I ONLY take Robux.

Small commissions / jobs: 500 - 1000 :robux_gold:
Medium commissions / jobs 1200 - 3000 :robux_gold:
Large commissions / jobs 5000-10000 :robux_gold:

Long term jobs will be discussed, as they aren’t one-time jobs.

You may contact me from Devforums, or Discord.

Discord: @.dull

Roblox: dullsoulss

By hiring me to develop for you, you are automatically agreeing to my Terms of Service.


  • You must understand that I may be busy, but will only take breaks IF NECCESARY!

  • I may decline your offer at any time BEFORE we agree that I am working for you.

  • I am only fluent in English, so please ONLY English.

  • You must understand that I may have other commissions, and I am allowed to prioritize one commission over another (shouldn’t happen often)

  • Must have what you want / need ready before hiring me, if you don’t know what you need or what you’re trying to accomplish by hiring me, there is a big chance I may not develop for you. (Just make sure you know what I need to make before contacting me is what I’m saying.)

I can’t wait to start developing for all of you!

Have a great day if you’re seeing this! :slightly_smiling_face:


Blame is a great person to work with and we have made many projects together, I can confirm that he is a skilled scripter and is capable of doing great things. Make sure to hire him!

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Blame is a really good scripter. I gave him 5 tasks and he finished them in 2 days! I think his price’s are great and is a very talented developer within the roblox studio community.

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