I have had trouble with this since I joined devforum, there is NO-WAY to access the #Bug-reports category and I wanted to post about a bug, which I’ll explain later In this post because I can’t post in the proper category if you don’t know the answer to fix the bug that’s alright its just for reference, but I cannot post in #Bug-reports, and I’m scared to post It anywhere else because I’d get report bombed.
So, anybody else here think they should either let us post in #Bug-Reports, or either bring back regular by making another way to get it.
It’s very annoying not to be able to post in a crucial thing when you need actual help, and the only way to post is to put it into another category where you most likely, will be report bombed and get your post deleted.
(The bug was I cannot change the name of the game linked below, its old name has NO I repeat NO similarity with the new version, game link: Meat.... - Roblox, and yes C0NFUS10N Is the name that is stuck.)