Greetings, I am DevScott (scottheman123456789) Roblox Studio a builder. I specialize in vibe games, Café maps, Realistic maps, SCP type builds and all around studio building. I have been building for 2 1/2 years on Roblox. Any questions see below or contact me on discord at scott#5120
I have worked with some big groups like USBP (United states boarder patrol) and many others
I’m available all week mostly at night, Availability is flexible but I’m on every night so there wont be a problem.
How do I build?
- I use Roblox trusted plugins to do most my builds
Would you be willing to work with a team?
- Of course!!! The best part about developing is developing along side other talented developers.
Do you do percent payouts
- I do, but only if the game is making profit or has more than 100k Visits
Prices are negotiable!
- I don’t build any maps under 1K R$
- Payment can be group funds, T-shirt, Roblox cards or PayPal
- If payment is by T-Shirt or game pass you must pay for taxes
- Percent payout must have a game with 100K visits or above
- Will do long term, must discuses in DMs
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at
scott#5120 [ I respond the fastest on discord ]
Thanks for reading!