Welcome to my portfolio!
I’ll get straight to the point. I’m looking to be hired on a developer team, or assemble one myself. I’m very skilled at building in the theatre.
My Skills
- Building
- Scripting
- Lighting Design
- Sound Mixing
Original Designs
Builds based on other works
Game Portfolios
My In-Game Portfolio can be found here!
Spongebob the Musical
Everything in these games were created for Roblox by me (except Roblox made Accessories)
Availability and Contact
I can work six to eight hours on weekends. School and theatre productions consume lots of my time during the week. I can work in 5 hours usually though!
You can contact me on the Roblox website by sending a message – best way to contact!
You can contact me on the Developer Forum!
You can contact me on Twitter here!
Pricing depends on the work itself. I'm not sure what's best :sweat_smile: to pay me. I prefer $USD, but I accept robux if you need.Thanks for considering my work!