[OPEN] Building Portfolio


Welcome to my portfolio!
I’ll get straight to the point. I’m looking to be hired on a developer team, or assemble one myself. I’m very skilled at building in the theatre.

My Skills

  • Building
  • Scripting
  • GFX
  • Lighting Design
  • Sound Mixing


Original Designs

Original Designs


Builds based on other works

Builds based on other works



Game Portfolios
My In-Game Portfolio can be found here!
Spongebob the Musical
Everything in these games were created for Roblox by me (except Roblox made Accessories)

Availability and Contact

I can work six to eight hours on weekends. School and theatre productions consume lots of my time during the week. I can work in 5 hours usually though!

You can contact me on the Roblox website by sending a message – best way to contact!
You can contact me on the Developer Forum!
You can contact me on Twitter here!


Pricing depends on the work itself. I'm not sure what's best :sweat_smile: to pay me. I prefer $USD, but I accept robux if you need.

Thanks for considering my work!


Awesome work! It looks great.

It may be in your best interest to broaden what you build. Unless an employer is looking for a fun theater or similar building, they may not think you have the proper skills. Maybe build a few things that aren’t in that same style.

Whatever you do, keep up the hard work! Your builds and renders look really nice :hidere:


Looks great. I like the renders especially. My favourite render is the first one. I also like the builds you made looks good.

1 Like

Hey, I like your building work, and I am interested in you! building me like a dance game! if, you could! But inform me! soon about it, then we’ll figure it out from there!
