Thanks you for taking your time and patience to give my portfolio a view.
I’ll start by introducing myself, mostly with the fact that I’ve been previously known
with a series of names, of which Gryves sticked up, although visualslord, io_lite, made their appearances in the devCommunity. I’m 17 and take my assignments seriously.
I’ve have gathered a ton of experience and now I’m quite stable on my status of professional services, I 3D Model my meshes, texture my sets and generally I am confident that I can make most of the requirements on a perfectly optimized scale (low triangulation/polygon count). I’m adaptable, open-minded, and hopefully your best go when something needs to be built and finished quickly.
My skills and qualifications are generated through the years of practice I have, to be more exact, 7 years on Roblox Building, 5 on Post Processing, 2 on 3D Modelling and almost 3 on professional free-lancing.
In the past I have worked and recommended* by : @SirMing, @ObscureEntity, @Haggie125, @Sharksie, @AbstractAlex, @loleris, etc.
Ming Studios - “Parasite”
a) Ming Goodies.
Photos of the place.
b) Horse Valley 2 Assets (Unreleased project) -
Mad Studios - “The Mad Murderer 2”
a) The Library.
Photos of the place. < -
Runway Rumble (Studio) - “Crazy Knives”
a) Rumble Winter Garden.
Photos of the place. < -
BIG Games - “Knife Royale”
a) The Lobby.
Photos of the place. < -
Secondhand Studios - “Incursion”
a) Rusty Ship.
Photos of the place.< -
Red Manta LLC - “Knife Royale” ( Super Knife Frenzy ).
a) Christmas Town.
Photos of the place. <
b) Mushroom Valley.
Photos of the place. <
c) The Museum.
Photos of the place. <
The photos above picture the exact requirements of the contractor, I can work with any style, amount of detail, requirements, etc.
I usually charge ~100k R$ per 300x300 studs, but hence the spring/summer season is here and I have a lot more time, I decided to half up the price to >> 50k R$ per 300x300 << studs. The price may revert if my schedule gets flooded again.
Please DM me on DevForums, as I have too many discord friend requests to realize whom wants to contact me with business matters.
recommended* - As in all developers that I have worked for have been satisfied with my services.
Thanks you for taking your time to read this.