Open Cloud API docs list two different URLs for the datastore API

Issue Description

The documentation on this page is a bit of a mess. The headers for each API aren’t listed clearly. The way you put your API key is not mentioned anywhere and I had to cross reference several pages of the documentation to find out what I was supposed to be doing.

Aside from this there is an incorrect URL on this page.

This is not true.
The root URL is actually as shown in the sample request under each request.

I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out why{id} was returning a 404 when actually I was supposed to be calling{id}

Additionally the documentation on this page is generally poor. The sample curl request has loads of commented out code (I assume a formatting error? Inexperienced users wont understand) and many of the headers listed in it are not mentioned in the actual docs. For example I don’t actually know where I’m supposed to put the “data” param because it’s obscured in the example curl and not actually listed in the API reference! (it’s all the way at the bottom of this screenshot)

Issue Area: Documentation Content
Page URL: Data Stores | Roblox Creator Documentation

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Did you manage? . Текст, выделенный курсивом

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi there, thanks a bunch for reporting. Agreed with your assessment of the situation. :smile:

The whole section needs a more comprehensive review (with some knock-on work over on Usage Guide for Data Stores | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub), but I believe I’ve fixed the most egregious of the issues for now. Thanks again!

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