Thank you for the quick response and action, I didn’t expect it so quickly, great stuff!
Unfortunately, it appears there are still some issues:
Get Operation still incorrectly says it returns an Asset, but it returns an Operation (same response as Create Asset)
Asset.assetType can still be values like "ASSET_TYPE_DECAL" when received through an Operation, which is different from the regular "Decal" which is used when creating an asset. I figure there isn’t a total quick solution to this inconsistency but a quick mention of this could be helpful. Might be best to file a bug report to have the actual back-end changed to reflect properly.
I also did not document this in my original post, but ProtobufAny as a type doesn’t help when the values that "@type" can have are not documented. I’m not sure what metadata is supposed to be, or if Operation.response is an Asset (appears to be, but not sure if it can be something else)