Open Cloud: Data Store API Reference

Table of Contents

This document describes the request and response payloads that you’ll send and receive to the Data Store API of Open Cloud.


Like all Open Cloud APIs, the Data Store API requires all requests to include the x-api-key header, which should contain an API key that is in scope for the request. This requires the key be applied to the experience and the data store, and the endpoint operation is permitted. If the key is invalid, 403 Unauthorized is be returned. For more information on API keys, see the main Open Cloud article.


DataStore API has two types of universe level throttling: request-per-minute throttling and throughput throttling. With every universeId, request-per-minute throttling allows you to send a certain number of requests per minute, and throughput throttling allows you to send a certain amount of data per minute, regardless of the number of API keys.

Unlike the Lua API, these limits currently do not scale according to player count. Exceeding these limits causes 429 Too Many Requests to be returned.

Request Type Endpoints Throttle Limits
  • 10 MB/min/universe write throughput
  • 300 reqs/min/universe
  • 20 MB/min/universe read throughput
  • 300 reqs/min/universe

Input Validation

Before a request is accepted, endpoint parameters are validated with regards to formatting and constraints. If a parameter does satisfy the following restrictions, the endpoint returns a 400 Bad Request. Individual endpoints may have additional requirements beyond these.

  • universeId (integer)
    • Should be the value of game.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure page.
    • Be careful not to mistake this with a place ID (game.PlaceId), which is visible in the URL when you go to play a game.
  • datastoreName (string):
    • Length must be 50 bytes or less
    • Cannot be null or empty
  • scope (string): data store scope
    • Length must be 50 bytes or less
    • Defaults to global when not provided
  • entryKey (string):
    • Length must be 50 bytes or less
    • Cannot be null or empty
  • versionId / matchVersion (string): data store entry version
  • content (JSON string): user data
    • Length must be less than 4 MB
  • content-md5 (string): the base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of content
  • roblox-entry-attributes (JSON object)
    • Length must be less than 300 bytes
  • roblox-entry-userids (JSON array of numbers)
    • No more than 4 user IDs
  • cursor (string): see Cursors below


Endpoints which return lists of data may return a nextPageCursor string. This indicates that there is more data available in the requested result set. To receive it, provide this string in the cursor query parameter on a subsequent request. If the cursor parameter is provided but invalid, the endpoint returns 400 Bad Request.

The format of cursor strings is not defined. You should not interpret or parse them as they may change at any time.


  • All endpoint URLs begin with:{universeId}
    Where {universeId} is the ID of the universe whose data stores are being accessed.
  • Successful responses that contain data have the header content-type: application/json
  • Each endpoint is analogous to a function of the Lua Data Store API which performs the same operation. Links to these functions have been provided for comparison and search convenience.

List DataStores in Universe

Endpoint GET /standard-datastores
Description Returns a list of data stores belonging to a universe.
API key permission List DataStores
Query Params
  • prefix (string): Return only data stores with this prefix
  • limit (integer): Maximum number of items to return
  • cursor (string): Provide to request the next set of data (see Cursors)
Response 200 OK:
   "datastores": [ DataStore, ... ],
   "nextPageCursor": string | null
Where DataStore are:
   "name": string,
   "createdTime": string
Lua Equivalent DataStoreService:ListDataStoresAsync

Example Help

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request GET \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--get \
	-d "prefix=Player" \
	-d "limit=5"
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 05:32:09 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 388
			"name": "PlayerInventory",
			"createdTime": "2022-02-18T22:38:59.9244932Z"
			"name": "PlayerExperience",
			"createdTime": "2022-02-18T23:00:10.4773508Z"
			"name": "PlayerWeapons",
			"createdTime": "2022-02-18T23:00:22.3725681Z"
			"name": "PlayerArmor",
			"createdTime": "2022-02-18T22:59:33.8472882Z"
			"name": "PlayerHP",
			"createdTime": "2022-02-18T22:58:47.6904028Z"
	"nextPageCursor": "..."
Raw (unformatted)

List Entries

Endpoint GET /standard-datastores/datastore/entries
Description Returns a list of entry keys within a data store.
API key permission List Keys
Query Params
  • datastoreName (string, required): Name of the data store
  • scope (string): Defaults to global, similar to Lua API
  • AllScopes (string): If true, return keys from all scopes.
  • prefix (string): Return only keys with this prefix
  • limit (integer): Maximum number of items to return
  • cursor (string): Provide to request the next set of data (see Cursors)
Response 200 OK:
   "keys": [ EntryKey, ... ],
   "nextPageCursor": string | null
Where EntryKey are:
   "scope": string,
   "key": string
Lua Equivalent DataStore:ListKeysAsync

Example Help

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request GET \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--get \
	-d "datastoreName=Coins" \
	-d "prefix=" \
	-d "limit=5"
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 05:32:09 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 83
Raw (unformatted)

Get Entry

Endpoint GET /standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry
Description Returns the value and metadata associated with an entry.
API key permission Read entries
Query Params
  • datastoreName (string, required): Name of the data store
  • scope (string): Defaults to global, similar to Lua API
  • entryKey (string): The key which identifies the entry.
  • 200 OK: The user content is returned in the body of the response. The following headers describe the metadata:
    • roblox-entry-created-time (ISO datetime, UTC): the time at which the entry was created
    • last-modified (ISO datetime, UTC): the time at which this particular version was created
    • roblox-entry-version (string): version of the entry being read
    • roblox-entry-attributes (JSON object)
    • roblox-entry-userids (JSON array of numbers)
    • content-md5: the base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the content
    • contentLength: the content length in bytes
  • 204 No Content: The key is marked as deleted.
Lua Equivalent GlobalDataStore:GetAsync

Example Help

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request GET \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--get \
	-d "datastoreName=Coins" \
	-d "entryKey=269323"
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 05:32:35 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 3
content-md5: zuYxEhwuySMvOi8CitXImw==
roblox-entry-version: 08D9E6A3F2188CFF.0000000001.08D9E6A3F2188CFF.01
roblox-entry-created-time: 2022-02-02T23:30:06.5388799Z
roblox-entry-version-created-time: 2022-02-02T23:30:06.5388799Z
roblox-entry-userids: []

Set Entry

Endpoint POST /standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry
Description Sets the value, metadata and user IDs associated with an entry.
API key permission Create entry (when creating new entries)
Update entry (when updating existing entries)
Query Params
  • datastoreName (string, required): Name of the data store
  • scope (string): Defaults to global, similar to Lua API
  • entryKey (string): The key which identifies the entry.
  • matchVersion (string): Only update if current version matches this. Default: null
  • exclusiveCreate (boolean): Only create the entry if it does not exist. Default: false
Note: You cannot use both matchVersion and exclusiveCreate.
  • content-md5 (string, required): the base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the content
  • roblox-entry-userids (string): Comma-separated list of Roblox user IDs the entry is tagged with. If not provided, existing user IDs are cleared.
  • roblox-entry-attributes (JSON object): If not provided, existing attributes are cleared.
Body JSON, up to 4 MB
Response 200 OK: Returns an EntryVersion
   "version": string,
   "deleted": boolean,
   "contentLength": number,
   "createdTime": string,
   "objectCreatedTime": string
Lua Equivalent GlobalDataStore:SetAsync

Example Help

Calculating the content-md5 header using Python

The hashlib.md5()1 and base64.b64encode() functions are available in Python standard libraries (2.7, 3+):

# With prompts
$ python -c "import base64, hashlib; print('content-md5: ' + str(base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(bytes(input('content: '), encoding='utf8')).digest()), encoding='utf8'))"
content: 750
content-md5: sTf90fedVsft8zZf6nUg8g==
# Using just stdin and stdout
$ echo "750" | python -c "import base64, hashlib; print(str(base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(bytes(input(), encoding='utf8')).digest()), encoding='utf8'))"

1This function may not be available in rare FIPS-compliant versions of Python.


Note: Other examples use –get and -d to specify query parameters. However, this endpoint requires those in addition to POST data. To do this with cURL, the query parameters are provided in the URL, and the POST data is provided using –data-ascii.

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request POST \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--header "content-md5: sTf90fedVsft8zZf6nUg8g==" \
	--header "content-type: application/json" \
	--header "roblox-entry-userids: [269323]" \
	--header "roblox-entry-attributes: {}" \
	--data-ascii 750
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:36:22 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 191
Raw (unformatted)

Increment Entry

Endpoint POST /standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry/increment
Description Increments the value for an entry by a given amount, or create a new entry with that amount.
API key permission Create entry (when creating new entries)
Update entry (when updating existing entries)
Query Params
  • datastoreName (string, required): Name of the data store
  • scope (string): Defaults to global, similar to Lua API
  • entryKey (string): The key which identifies the entry.
  • incrementBy (number): The amount by whihc the entry should be incremented, or the starting value if it does not exist
  • roblox-entry-userids (string): Comma-separated list of Roblox user IDs the entry is tagged with. If not provided, existing user IDs are cleared.
  • roblox-entry-attributes (string) JSON object. If not provided, existing attributes are cleared
  • contentLength: the content length in bytes.
  • content-md5: the base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the content
  • roblox-entry-version: version of the entry being read
  • roblox-entry-created-time (ISO datetime, UTC): the time at which the entry was created
  • last-modified (ISO datetime, UTC): the time at which this particular version was created
Response Responds with the latest version of the entry after it has been incremented. The format is similar to the response for Get Entry.
Lua Equivalent GlobalDataStore:IncrementAsync

Example Help

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request POST \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--header 'content-length: 0' \
	--get \
	-d datastoreName=Coins \
	-d entryKey=269323 \
	-d incrementBy=3
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:36:05 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 3
content-md5: K4phWUsfTE2wkCqKOVztkw==
roblox-entry-version: 08D9E6A3F2188CFF.0000000009.08D9E6DF74AC5F42.01
roblox-entry-created-time: 2022-02-02T23:30:06.5388799Z
roblox-entry-version-created-time: 2022-02-03T06:36:05.9184962Z
roblox-entry-userids: []

Delete Entry

Endpoint DELETE /standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry
Description Marks the entry as deleted by creating a tombstone version. Entries are deleted permanently after 30 days.
API key permission Delete Entry
Query Params
  • datastoreName (string, required): Name of the data store
  • scope (string): Defaults to global, similar to Lua API
  • entryKey (string): The key which identifies the entry.
Response 204 No Content: The entry was deleted.
Lua Equivalent GlobalDataStore:RemoveAsync

Example Help

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request DELETE \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--get \
	-d datastoreName=Coins \
	-d entryKey=269323
HTTP/2 204
date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:38:31 GMT

List Entry Versions

Endpoint GET /standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry/versions
Description Returns a list of data stores belonging to a universe.
API key permission List Versions
Query Params
  • datastoreName (string, required): Name of the data store
  • scope (string): Defaults to global, similar to Lua API
  • entryKey (string): The key which identifies the entry.
  • startTime (ISO datetime, UTC): Don't consider versions older than this
  • endTime (ISO datetime, UTC): Don't consider versions younger than this
  • sortOrder (string): Either Ascending (older first) or Descending (younger first)
  • limit (integer): Maximum number of items to return
  • cursor (string): Provide to request the next set of data (see Cursors)
Response 200 OK:
   "versions": [ EntryVersion, ... ],
   "nextPageCursor": string | null
Where EntryVersion are:
   "version": string,
   "deleted": boolean,
   "contentLength": integer,
   "createdTime": string,
   "objectCreatedTime": string
Lua Equivalent DataStore:ListVersionsAsync

Example Help

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request GET \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--get \
	-d "datastoreName=Coins" \
	-d "entryKey=269323" \
	-d "limit=5"
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:41:41 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 1213
Raw (unformatted)

Get Entry Version

Endpoint GET /standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry/versions/version
Description Returns the value and metadata of a specific version of an entry.
API key permission Read Version
Query Params
  • datastoreName (string, required): Name of the data store
  • scope (string): Defaults to global, similar to Lua API
  • entryKey (string): The key which identifies the entry.
  • versionId (string, required): The version to inspect
Response Same as the response for Get Entry, OR
204 No Content for tombstone versions of deleted entries, which contain the following headers:
  • roblox-entry-created-time (ISO datetime, UTC): the time at which the entry was created
  • last-modified (ISO datetime, UTC): the time at which this particular version was created
  • roblox-entry-version (string): version of the entry being read
  • contentLength: the content length in bytes.
  • content-md5: the base-64 encoded MD5 checksum of the content
  • roblox-entry-created-time (ISO datetime, UTC): the time at which the entry was created
  • roblox-entry-attributes (string): JSON object. If not provided, existing attributes are cleared.
  • roblox-entry-userids: List of comma separated user ids to tag the entry with.
Lua Equivalent DataStore:GetVersionAsync

Example Help

curl \
	--include \
	--location \
	--request GET \
	"" \
	--header "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
	--get \
	-d "datastoreName=Coins" \
	-d "entryKey=269323" \
	-d "versionId=08D9E6A3F2188CFF.0000000003.08D9E6DE485A7680.01"
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:43:13 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 3
content-md5: sTf90fedVsft8zZf6nUg8g==
roblox-entry-version: 08D9E6A3F2188CFF.0000000003.08D9E6DE485A7680.01
roblox-entry-created-time: 2022-02-02T23:30:06.5388799Z
roblox-entry-version-created-time: 2022-02-03T06:27:42.0652160Z
roblox-entry-attributes: {}
roblox-entry-userids: [269323]

Examples Help

Each endpoint includes an example invocation of cURL using the Bash shell (bash). Some response headers have been omitted for brevity, and certain JSON response bodies have been formatted for readability (the raw, unformatted response is included). This makes the content-length and content-md5 headers inaccurate.

Where appropriate, examples use the following sample data directly:

  • Universe ID: 3310576216
  • Data Store Name: Coins
  • Data Store Scope: global (default)
  • Key: 269323 (a user ID) whose value is a number.

However, the x-api-key header (see Authorization) uses the API_KEY environment variable in place of an actual API key. Before trying to run these examples yourself, you should set this variable using the read command:

read -s -p "API Key (will be hidden): " API_KEY

This allows you to paste the API key into your shell without it appearing in command history. When you are done trying out examples, you should regenerate the key before using it in production code.

Error Codes

Data store API error responses include the high-level cause of the error applicable to all Open Cloud API endpoints, the error details specific to the data store, and an error message to help you understand the error. You can use Open Cloud error code, the value of the “error” field, and “datastoreErrorCode” in the “errorDetails” field to handle errors.

For example, the following payload displays an error response with the high-level Open Cloud cause of the error (“INVALID_ARGUMENT”), the explanatory error message(“Content-md5 header required.”), and the data store error code (“ContentMd5Required”).

	"message": "Content-md5 header required.",
	"errorDetails": [
			"errorDetailType" : "DatastoreErrorInfo",
			"datastoreErrorCode" : "ContentMd5Required"

Reference the following table for a summary of all Open Cloud and data store errors:

HttpStatus Open Cloud Error Data Store Error Message
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT ContentLengthRequired Content-Length header required.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidUniverseId Invalid universe id.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidCursor Invalid cursor.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidVersionId Invalid version id.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT ExistingValueNotNumeric The existing value is not numeric.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT IncrementValueTooLarge The numeric value is too large to increment.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT IncrementValueTooSmall The numeric value is too small to increment.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidDataStoreScope Invalid datastore scope.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidEntryKey Invalid entry key.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidDataStoreName Invalid datastore name.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidStartTime Invalid start time.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidEndTime Invalid end time.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidAttributes Invalid attributes.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidUserIds Invalid userids.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT ContentMd5Required Content-md5 header required.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidLimit Invalid limit.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT ExclusiveCreateAndMatchVersionCannotBeSet Only one of exclusive create or matchVersion parameter can be provided.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT ContentTooBig Content too big.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT ChecksumMismatch Md5 checksum mismatch.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT ContentNotJson Content is not valid json string.
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT InvalidSortOrder Invalid sort order.
403 INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE Forbidden The api key does not have sufficient scope to perform this operation.
403 INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE InsufficientScope Insufficient scope to perform the operation.
404 NOT_FOUND DatastoreNotFound Datastore not found.
404 NOT_FOUND EntryNotFound Entry not found in the datastore.
404 NOT_FOUND VersionNotFound Version is not found
429 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED TooManyRequests Too many requests.
500 INTERNAL Unknown Error unknown.

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