Open cloud DataStore api returns error 400

I am making a DataStores mager app in C# and i am using the new Open cloud endpoints but apparently docs are outdated and i am getting error 400 every time i submit a request

This is the url i am making the requests to

string path = $"{universe_id.Text}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry?datastoreName={datastoreName}&entryKey=key";

It should work because the key and the datastore exist and that error as said in the docs should appear only if there is an invalid value or if those don’t exist.

the datastoreName variable is text. and the value of entryKey is “key” which is the name of the key i want to get in the datastore.

datastoreName, entryKey and universe id seem to be the only required parameters

Any idea?

Oh guys i realised that my datastore name contained “#” and that is a key char in a url so that was probably causing errors as it wasn’t being identified as a part of the name but a url “modifier”, i just needed to remove that from my datastore name. i forgot about that part of urls