Open Cloud Universes API

Yes, this is correct. This new endpoint works the same as the existing “Restart servers for updates”

We understand this is important to many of you, and it is on our radar.

Can we get support for these?

  • Place description & title
  • Place thumbnails
  • All game settings (avatar scale, R15 / R6, etc)
  • Creating / updating devproducts, gamepasses & badges, as well as their associated metadata such as icons

Place description and title support is included in this release :slight_smile:
Place thumbnail updates are in the process of being released right now.
We have dev products, game passes, and badges on our radar. Badges is being actively worked on


Doesn’t work even if I update the place.
None of the APIs I’ve tried to work with for the Universes API seem to be working for me.

I am trying to add the ability to restart the servers and set a place’s visibility, but the APIs return the expected response but have no actual effect.

Regarding restarting servers - did you make any changes to your universe? If not, this endpoint will not restart any servers (there is nothing to update). From the original post:
this is equivalent to using the “Restart servers for updates” feature on Creator Dashboard
If you did make changes, how did you verify that the servers were not restarted?

The universe visibility cannot be updated via these endpoints. We will work on updating our docs to make this more clear

Hi, thanks for the quick reply.

I published a new version to the test place I am using for this while I was in-game in a server on it, and then tried using the endpoint to restart the servers. Nothing happened in-game, I was still in the server and it did not restart or migrate to a new server.

That’s a bummer. :frowning: This is the main reason I need the Universes API for as it would make it a lot easier to manage QA sessions and whatnot. Are there any plans on including support for this?

Can you repro this issue via Restart servers for updates on CD?

One issue we have seen before is where the developer publishes an update, then joins the game (which is now on the latest published version), and then tries to restart.

Are there any plans on including support for this?

We would like to add support for this, but I am not sure what the timeline is looking like.

I joined the game before publishing the update, and it didn’t work. Not sure if I’m just doing something wrong on my end… I have a sample of the code I’m currently using here.

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