Universes API doesn't work

The Open Cloud Universes API is not functional at all for me. I’m not sure what’s going on and if it’s a me problem, but I have been unable to get it to work at all.

I already use Open Cloud for other systems such as MessagingService and Datastores, and they work. I have experimented with the assets API and it also works.
The Universes API does not.

I am trying to use the Universes API to restart servers and change a place’s visibility remotely.

I’m not super experienced with JS so I might be doing it wrong, but the responses right now seem to be the ones provided in the documentation.

This is what I am currently doing:

let QAStream = Https.request({
            "hostname": 'apis.roblox.com', path: `/cloud/v2/universes/${universe}?updateMask=visibility`, "method": 'PATCH', "protocol": 'https:', "headers": {
                "api-key": Key,
                "x-api-key": Key,
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
        }, (Response) => {

            Response.on('data', commandResponseProvider)
            Response.on('end', (chunk) => {
                commandResponseProvider(chunk || 'end')

        QAStream.write(JSON.stringify({ 'visibility': visibility }));
let RestartStream = Https.request({"hostname": 'apis.roblox.com', path: `/cloud/v2/universes/${universe}:restartServers`, "method": 'POST', "protocol": 'https:', "headers": {
            "api-key": Key,
            "x-api-key": Key,
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        }}, (Response) => {
            function commandResponseProvider(chunk) {

            Response.on('data', commandResponseProvider)
            Response.on('end', (chunk) => {
                commandResponseProvider(chunk || 'end')

        RestartStream.write(JSON.stringify({ 'path': `universes/${universe}` })); // I understand this is most likely not needed but I was trying anything at this point

The API keys are retrieved correctly, are valid and have the necessary permissions.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Copying over part of my answer from here:
Visibility is read-only and we will update the documentation to make this more clear.

Does Restart servers for updates on CD work?

I was just able to restart my universe and it worked correctly. Did you click “Publish to Roblox” in Studio?

Yes. Does the place being privated affect it? I’m trying to do it on this place.