Hello, I’m Faris, a young Developer who spends his time making Discord bots. I’ve been making Discord bots since July 2019 and I’ve learned a lot since then. I make all sorts of Discord bots in Javascript using the discord.js library.
I am very interested in hiring you to make my community a bot. I have attempted to add you on discord but unfortunately you are not accepting friend requests. SharkFerrero#1676
@Faris_Collins is a well experienced Bot Developer, I have a bot Developed by him it is very well developed and Faris is very active and working most of the time. He is dedicated and I would recommend hiring him to make a bot.
Can you create verification with a status/bio bind with step-by-step instructions and an update command for mods + reverify? And moderation such as kick or ban? And a setup that gives people roles based on my group? And a !whois command? If so, I’ll consider you.
Reply with a price estimate if you can do this please.
You receive the source code after payment. I can also the host and maintain the bot for you, but you will need to pay an extra one-time fee for hosting.