[OPEN] English --> German TRANSLATOR (CHEAP)

About Me :bust_in_silhouette:

Hi there!I am offering my services as a translator. I have more than 2 years of experience and I also translated my own games. My main language is German.

Hallo! Ich biete meinen Service als Ɯbersetzer an. Ich habe Ć¼ber 2 Jahre Erfahrung und habe auch meine eigenen Spiele Ć¼bersetzt. Meine Haupt/Muttersprache ist Deutsch.

Iā€™m native and can fluently speak and read English, so there wont be a communication problem.

Showcase :file_folder:

In the past I worked for @ekuz0diaa, @xdavidprorealreal and for other people.
You can find the games, I worked on here:

I also translated rules for Discord servers and more.

##Availbility :alarm_clock:
I am finishing your orders, depending on the size, as fast as possible. I am very reliable in that point.
You can look under Payment, to see the time, it takes me to finish small, medium and big projects.

Payment :moneybag:

Up to 100 words:

  • Robux: 1000:robux:
  • Delivery time: 1-2 days :timer_clock:
  • Proofread (optional) :clipboard:

Up to 600 words:

  • Robux: 1700 :robux:
  • Delivery time: 2-3 days :timer_clock:
  • Proofread (optional) :clipboard:

Up to 1200 words:

  • Robux: 2500 :robux:
  • Delivery time: 5-6 days :timer_clock:
  • Proofread (optional) :clipboard:

Contact :phone:

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: PalmCrafter#8841.

Thanks for reading! And I hope to hear from you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I hired this guy and he DID an amaxing Job!
I really liked him because he was polite, Friendly, he had Patience with me and he was SO good!
I would recomend hiring him! :heart:


I hired him and he was AWESOME!
He was quick to finish, and very nice! I recommend him to anyone wishing to get german translations! :grin:

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I hired PalmCrafter to translate my game RISE and he did an amazing job!
He translated my whole game into German and he definitely does not use a translator.
I would definitely recommend having him translate your game as I am sure you will be as happy as I am.

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