About Me
Hey! I am a builder and scripter who is looking for work. I have been building on and off for around 3 years on Roblox and have previously worked on games and done many commissions. Also From Britain so GMT time.
– Games I Helped With
ISLAND CLICKER (low poly game): [🌴SWAMP WORLD🌴] Island Clickers! - Roblox
PVP game im currently scripting/building - ssblox - Roblox
Scripting work
PVP game : ssblox - Roblox
Other game im working on (WIP : bugs being fixed) : Untitled Game - Roblox
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Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per asset and one off comms. Payment for building depends on size of job and detail (high/low/mid poly) . Scripting payment depends on size , complexity and time of the project. I accept robux payment , and USD/GBP . More accurate prices can be developed in Dms .
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via
Discord at: #StokedPidgeon#3061
Thanks for reading!