[Open] Experienced cheap logo and vector design

About Me

Hey! My name is TheActual and I have been designing vector art for about 2 years and logos for about 1. I also plan on later doing clothing by July. I enjoy to program, however not as a commission or job and I really like to design graphically because it’s a good way to make an easy bit of robux while doing something I like. I don’t like to charge much, so I usually make my prices as low as I can so that people in an even worse situation can afford my logos and vector art designs easier.


You can contact me for more detailed images of any logo


I am only available on weekdays from 3:30 PM EST to around 9:00 PM EST, and on weekends that largely increases,


SIMPLE LOGOS: 200-500 robux (negotiable)

DETAILED LOGOS: 500-1000 robux

VERY DETAILED LOGOS: 1000+ robux (these include vector art within them and can be extremely precise works of art as logos.)

SIMPLE VECTORS: 100-500 robux (small 1 color drawings)

DETAILED VECTORS: 300-700 robux (drawings with a bit of extra work, more colors usually)

DETAILED VECTORS: 700+ robux (Drawings with many complex details and shadings)


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at:


Great artist, totally recommend :100:

can i have a logo that says Marketplace Development

I added you on Discord. My username is avoiding#0001.

Please DM me on my discord, as shown, veld#1644

i do not have discord can we dm on dev forums

Sure, send me what you want in messages.

Orders are now open, I now have decided to also do vector art. Please don’t try to get me to do anything insane, but I will be able to do most objects. DM me on the devforum if you do not have discord. If you have any good feedback or bad, tell me there too.

K so I need a icon that can fit a group the top letters that say marketplace are yellow and in the sides there are chests and coins and the bottom letters that say development are dirty white

Please explain it in messages so I can get a better understanding.

I’ve added a couple of new examples, and I have now increased my queue size, so I will now be accepting more people to do commissions for! I’m most likely to respond on my discord however dev forum will work as well.

Ordered a logo with vector art, it was cheap at barely 200 robux + tax covered, there were some complications however it was delivered to me and I liked it, was able to do changes I requested and overall I recommend if you have a tight budget (which I didn’t actually do however I liked his portfolio)


Was able to comply by change requests
There were some complications with the vector art
Note he’s EST, if you’re GMT this will cause delays for you like it did for me, be wary of that.
I got what I ordered at the end so I am satisfied


Try to be on more, had to wait a lot for responses which wasn’t to my liking.

Final result: Recommended for tight budget but still wanting semi good logo.

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Thanks for the detailed feedback, now that school is over, I will be on more, I hope you enjoy what I did for you and good luck with your project!

Hey there I am interested in your vectors. My discord username is henberrysodapop#9962 . It cantt friend you. Could you send me a friend request.