About Us
Hi there! We are an upcoming clothing group on roblox called NorthSide Ent. [UK] ! We are looking for male and female clothing of varying style.
You can see our progress so far here: NorthSide Ent. [UK] - Roblox
Some example clothing follows:
We can discuss this through discord, however I want to pay you what you think is right. Prices are negotiable
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via discord: Captain K#8256
Thanks for reading! 
Hey, can I suggest someone that’s a really good clothing designer? I’m not sure if she’s taking commissions at the moment but, you can see! Also. I improved on my animating! MissMae15 | Clothing Designer
I’m sure you know her!
[UNDER 500 ROBUX TO HIRE] R6 animator!
1 Like
Thanks for the recommendation! I have already been accepted
I Guess I can do this
contact me on discord Kamazeyt#6547
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