[OPEN] FrigidYeti's scripting portfolio


:wave: Hey! My name is Yeti. I’m a LuaU coder with four years of experience on Roblox.

:hammer_and_wrench:I am an expert scripter , and will be able to do any type of project that you may request from me!

:video_game: I accept commissions, as well as long-term jobs!
:100: I’ve worked on very popular games with hundreds of CCU, as well as nearly every genre.
:rocket: I work quite fast, and I’ll be active for a majority of the day so you can message me whenever you like.

Commission Rules:

  • No % payment for unfinished games!
  • Please do not waste my time
  • I don’t take USD payment

:exclamation:Previous Work:
Skibidi Tower Defense [27 Million+ Visits]
RoStock Racing [10 Million+ Visits]
RoPlanes 3 [15 Million+ Visits]
the 1970’s [1.7 Million+ Visits]
Kyiv Development [400K+ Visits]
Bubble Legends [250K+ Visits]

Languages: Lua/LuaU, Python
Libaries and frameworks: React/Roact, BridgeNet2, Promise, DataStore2, Knit, ProfileService, Rojo and more!

Resume - Creator Hub - Talent
Roblox profile - Yeti - Roblox

Weapon system, familiarized myself with creating a viewmodel as well as FastCast and Sleitnick’s camera shake module You can also see some NPCs I scripted in the background. They react to shots and try to run away.

Camera Detection. One of the mechanics from my game, Retribution. You can also see objectives, a timer and a menu prompting players to restart/try again

weapon system (attacking, combos, parrying, dodging/rolling), as well as a hostile npc that is able to fight you

radio system for cars, has multiple stations and and the songs are tracked in real time


You can contact me through discord at @yetiroblox

Thanks for reading!