"Open from Roblox..." Non-functional After Updating

Title is self-explanatory; I updated to today’s most recent Roblox Studio version, and ever since then, the functionality for the “Open from Roblox…” button under the “File” dropdown in the top left of Roblox Studio is now broken. My keybind (Ctrl + Shift + O) doesn’t work, either. Clicking the button does nothing. I also had a friend be a guinea-pig for me and update their Studio as well, and they’re experiencing the same problem.

Expected behavior

The “Open from Roblox…” button should work as it did before, opening a new Roblox Studio process/window.


Can confirm this doesnt work for me aswell.

Thanks for the report! We’re looking into it

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We were able to repro this issue and it will be resolved in the next release. Until then, you should be able to open your cloud saved place files via the Recents & Experiences tabs in Studio or via Creator Hub.


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