[OPEN] Fusionet - Programming Portfolio

About Me

Hello!:hear_no_evil: My name is Fusionet and I’ve been on Roblox since late 2014. I really started to take off in developing (2 years) ago, and I’ve been doing it ever since. I mainly script, but I can also do some simple Animations and 3D Modeling(only hireable for scripting).

I currently am looking for games to work for, but only if I’m interested. I can do short-term commissions, and long term-jobs but only if I take a liking to you and your game. I’m very interested in Magic/RPG games and it’s actually what made me start developing. I’m also willing to work on other types of games like simulators, but not FPS or Vehicle games.


Like I said earlier, I am mainly a scripter. I know mostly everything there is to know, such as GUI’s, Data Store, CFrame and Vector3, Camera, and Region3. I also am very skilled in exploit security and lag efficient methods, which a lot of scripters don’t have. However, I lack in areas which require a lot of math, such as high quality FPS and cars. I can create anything a basic simulator needs which includes pet systems, egg hatching systems, etc. P.S. I can do a lot more than what is on here!



Skill Menu

Simulator Systems:

Minigame Race:
Roblox minigame showcase (Floppa Worm) - YouTube
Intro Screen:



Inventory System (ugly but very customizable, stackable and not stackable items, draggable, etc.)

Magic Attacks

Transformation #1 (Bankai)

Transformation #2 (Resurrection)

Ability: Laser

Ability: Phoenix

Ability: Wind

Ability: Light

Showcase games

Floppa Worm :bug:
Discord Link: Blotch 2 (anime game that I own)
Chest Reward System
R6 Combat (old)
Liberty Mall Loading Screen (old)

(keep in mind these can look a lot better with quality assets)


I am available every day of the week, and can work up to 3 hours each day. (EST Time Zone)


Prices always depend on the job. My preferred payment is in Robux but I can also accept USD.


You can contact me on Discord or here on the forums.
Discord: .fusionet

Note: If you’re contacting me on Discord, please don’t just add me and wait for me to accept because I won’t. Instead, just add me then DM me directly after and I’ll respond. (don’t want my friends list filling up)

Thanks for reading! :wink:


Dang you are so good, wanna hire you. I will send you friend request


Your portfolio is honestly impressive and seems a perfect match for a project I’m currently working on… I’ll DM you when I have something somewhat presentable, hoping you’ll still be available by then. :smiley:


Hit me up anytime! :wink:30char

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Wow! Your portfolio looks amazing. The works you showed would make you a perfect fit for the game I’m currently developing. We’re just looking for one more amazing scripter such as yourself since our current scripter can only handle so much. We have a pretty large and still growing active community and we pay our devs generously (at least I’m pretty sure the pay we offer is pretty good XD) If you’re still available I sent you a friend request on Discord (OtakuSim13#7069). Looking forward to hearing from you!


I recommend hiring him. He has helped me understand the code a significant amount. He understands the code a great deal and if he doesn’t understand something he wont stop until he figures it out. Definitely they guy to hire!

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Have sended you a friend request my discord is heroicbloxiayt