Who am I?
Hello, my name is LeoSi Bence, am a 17-year-old Project Manager who is willing to help games and groups be successful and help projects and plans be executed with ease. I have been on this platform for 5 years since 2015 with different accounts I have recently (5 months ago) discovered the Dev forum, and I find this place a very good way of expanding my portfolio and meeting great and professional developers who have high hopes in achieving projects end, just like you.
➜ Project Management
➜ Game Deving
➜ Hiring Developers
➜ Game design
➜ Strategy
➜ Scrum
➜ communications.
➜ Planing
➜ Content Pipeline
Worked For
This is who I worked for not working for, I have been assigned from these groups and projects.
1: Insight Game (Administrator) (3) Insight Game - Roblox
2: Dexus Studios (Co-Owner/Project Manager) (3) Dexus Studios - Roblox
3: Flying Blob Studios (Project Manager/Comm Manager) (3) Flying Blob Studios - Roblox
Airport Tycoon - Roblox
(3) Pacific Minigames - Update - Roblox
(3) Zombie Tycoon - Roblox
(3) Jumping Legends⭐️ - Roblox
Who is this for
1; Developers who are busy and can not manage the team they have.
2:Developers Projects which have lost motivation to proceed and have been put down due to lack of progression.
3:Developers.who are willing to work with me and want big changes in there workflow.
4:Developers who are dedicated.
5:Developers who want a clear workflow and team.
Things will go through
1:What does a Project Manager do?
2:Why do we need a Project Manager?
What does a Project Manager do?
✦“A project manager is like a doctor who leads the trauma team and decides the course of action for a patient - both at the same time. Without the right kind of authority to efficiently handle all the project management issues, development teams can easily get into trouble.” - Scott Berkun.
✦Proect managers ensure customer satisfaction which are everyone from the sponsors all the way up to team members, mostly by communicating and helping those around them and make sure that everyone is on sync or on the same page.
✦One of our jobs include motivating you guys and getting you and your team out of that dark room into a much brighter one that is filled with people who have the same idea and are all motivated, and once they look at each other and how one is motivated and not giving out a negative vibe, they get more motivated and sometimes do more than needed faster than thought.
✦Being the “Gate Keeper” is one of those times where every task is overlooked by a project manager and filtered before the gate opens and let’s that work through, ofc there is a lot of work being put in before that gate is open, like documenting and overseeing each task to what the reference was.
✦More importantly, we make sure everything’s in check, such as the deadlines which is a helping factor to a fastest and more profound work than work that takes weeks with the same result, we prepare strict rules before each task is assigned for the fastest and to save time, and also setting an expectation on the start of the Project rather than midway
Why do we need a Project Manager?
✦Project managers enable strategic alignment, projects are valuable to organizations, and every project is birthed out of an alignment, there are goals and strategies that organization want to have implemented and the best way to have this done is to have a (PMP) Project manager.
✦They Increase efficiency both in time and resources because project management ensures that everyone is following a standardized well thought off methodical approach and if everyone is doing the same thing that ensures the project is going through the same sort of internal checklist to ensure it’s a success.
✦We provide exciting opportunities, businesses have to path, they have the product in service which is the given (Work to be done) and they also have a special project all that strategic alignment and stuff, so when interacting with an employee he does not only do what is on the job description but he will try something exciting something new along is progression and stay, so he’s average workdays turn into something that he will enjoy doing every day
. ✦In private we will be discussing the payments and rules and agreements that I have to share with you, I will most likely be asking questions about the progress or plan and we can work things out in a more mature way.
✦From Sat-Thu (5-7h a Day)
✦From Wed-Fri (10-12h a Day)
✦Payments Depends on,
➜The game’s current income.
➜The size of the team.
➜The scale of the project.
➜Time and work being asked of you.
Roblox: Tiakeno (3) Profile - Roblox
Discord: Legion#1000 (Faster)
Email: Kinglink909@gmail.com