I’m not completely sure what to price my GFX, so please tell me if I under or overpriced it.
Thumbnails: 100+
Game Icons: 100+
Ads: 50+
Prices are negotiable, and I prefer to be payed through group funds but T-shirts are fine too. (If you pay with shirts, you will have to pay tax.)
What about it do you want to know how to make? If it’s the players shadow, I added a plane in Blender and made it transparent. If you want to know the background, there’s this thing called HDRI’s. Look up how to use it in Blender, or you could just insert a picture into a render.
Your work is ok. There’s many things i will highlight in this which will help you with learning.
You have a lot to work on. You have part of the basics down like how to render and scene set up. but theres a lot more you need to do.
1)Your posing is very very dull. its not very static and doesnt feel like it flows. What I do when I do my posing si that i imagine me doing the pose i want and thinking of the parts i want to bend and parts i wanna keep straight. I also look up references of the poses i want online and sometimes just copy some poses from there. I recommend you use a blender rig which lets you move different parts of the body and create really nice poses (Heres a blender rig http://www.mediafire.com/file/b5d61zk1me062hn/RigPackAlpha.zip if theres a password on it, its mendulaisawesome)
You understand how to implement lighting and how to use it which is a good start. Now You use HDRIS which is good but you use them right and wrong at the same time. You use HDRIS for lighting which is correct and very good practice, but you should never use HDRIS for backgrounds. A HDRIS main job is to construct real world lighting not to act as a background due to not being able to replicate shadows and not give that perfect real world Light/Shadow contrast. Common practice within GFX is to use editing software like photoshop or affinity or something like that to add a background behind the render (something that fits well) and adding lighter areas and darker areas depending on where the light source is (My friend nate made a really good video about this take a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXur0nviofY)
3)Composition is key to setting up a scene. You can have a scene which is quite good and has many different aspects which make it good, but ultimately its your composition which will be make or break for your piece. Think about character placement, the scene of the place and whats going on. Think about where theres light and where theres dark spots wihtin that scene. Think about what other things could be in that scene which would make it seem more realistic. (Heres a video from Blender Guru explaining composition and gives a much better understanding of it than i do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8i7OKbWmRM)
You seem quite motivated as well which is amazing to have at the start of this but make sure you keep yourself motivated, if you keep learning more then you can eventually cater to much much bigger games and make a name for yourself. Good luck on your career, if you ever need anything shoot a dm my way on the forums and ill get back to you asap. Merry christmas
No offence, but these GFX’s are priced way too high. For the level of renders here, they should be around 50-100 robux and not 100+ Robux. I am not by any means bashing your work, I just want to show you how to become better, and how to attract more customers. Yet, you will become better and as you do so, you will raise the prices!
Thank you for my feedback, I did think 100 was a little high, but then someone told me I was underpricing my work, so it was confusing. I will change the prices to 50+ Robux.
In my opinion. you need to improve some more. you might need to use the rigs to their full advantage because in some thumbnails they look graphically good but they don’t have an emotion posture in general. Improve on that and you’re good to go!