[OPEN] Group Investment Needed

Kashi Group Investment;

Greetings, this message was written by both owners of an exemplary group; Kashi. Kashi is the first-ever Japanese Bakery to surface the ROBLOX working industry. Mxielle and I would like to take this time to pitch you our group idea and hopefully persuade you to provide us with an investment.

:iphone: Social Links;
Group; Kashí - Roblox
Handbook; Kashi | Public Information Portal

:memo: As we’ve stated before, Kashi is the first Japenese Bakery to surface ROBLOX. We’ve constructed innovative thinking and incorporated these exemplary ideas towards our development process. Vehlyx has single-handedly conducted research at length to ensure Kashi heads in the correct direction. I’ve utilized Dev Forum to aid myself in finding skilled developers willing to perform their skills. I did this prior to creating the group. Kashí aims to please any sweet Asian craving with a menu ranging from Mochi and Sesame Cookies to Boba Teas. Our exemplary staff will be trained and fit for our customers’ exceptions.

:briefcase: Operations began exactly September 3rd of this year. Since then, we’ve managed to reach 450+ members. This large amount of growth compared to other groups shows Kashi represents potential. We’ve gained a numerous amount of affiliates to aid us through this stage of development. Due to the President’s personal job as a builder for many popular clothing groups, he’s managed to afford our well-scripted Quiz Centre and numerous advertisements releases. We have an amazing Graphic Designer at our command and our Merchandise Designer. The clothing allowed us to reach 100 RBX within a week. We genuinely believe to achieve this large community within this amount of time proves we deserve this investment.

:hammer: We live by originality and innovation; an Exquisite Innovation. We’ve designed a Trello Board that consists of our development ideas and tasks. This assisted us greatly in this first month. We’ve utilized multiple fancy Japenese themed bakeries and restaurants to form our menu. At the moment this is our menu, if you wish to learn more, please message me back. Click here for the link to the menu. We will use a Quiz Centre to ensure our Bakery Artists are taught and mentored correctly at training sessions. Currently, we have amazing UI’s made, our food models are currently being produced, and our assets are being planned for our developer. We have an animator lined up, and a builder ready for payment, once all development is completed, a Scripter, will be commissioned.



:money_with_wings: We’ve planned multiple ways to gain profits, once we launch. In the meantime, we have some factors that will benefit Kashi. We’ve released Kashi Prime; a Premium membership for the community of Kashi. Purchasing this allows members to gain sneak-peaks, post pictures and links in public chats, and more. This costs around 200 robux. After ROBLOX tax, we receive 140 robux. We’ve released Merchandise and plan to release more, from our clothing, we’ve gained over 100+ Robux. We also will launch our BETA game sometime in the future. We hope to gain a large number of funds from this aswell. Once we launch, we will have an assortment of game-passes for Robloxians to purchase. These game-passes will be affordable for the majority to purchase.

:raising_hand_woman:Vehlyx is the President of Kashi. The Development Coordinator and the Director of Operations. Mxielle is the Vice President of Kashi. She oversees the Corporate Division and communicates with Vehlyx, daily about the future of Kashi. Both of us represent great morals, amazing reputation, strong work ethics, and amazing communication skills. We’re extremely experienced with the ROBLOX working industry. Vehlyx has owned three previous groups with large amounts of potential. He managed to sell these groups for large profits. With Kashi, Vehlyx hopes to keep ownership of his group and see the day where Kashi succeeds. Our Corporate Division keeps track of Human Resources and Public Relations together as a team. We don’t like the idea of splitting up a group of people, we enjoy harmony and unity. We believe if all the HR’s work together productivity increases.

:speaking_head: Please speak to the President, vehlyx. sean;#4302
We thank you for your time and we hope you make a concise decision. We’d also like to state, we don’t have an exact amount we desire yet, however, we have a range of 25,000 to 100,000 thousand. We are willing to provide 20% profit plus your full investment.

Thank you for reading. :slight_smile:


That Is a lot to charge, you could start easy for like 10K-15K, not that many players are rich, you know?


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