local AbilityList = game.StarterGui.GuiAbilities
local TouchPart = script.Parent
if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
AbilityList.Enabled = true
Ok so from the look of things you dont seem to understand how this works (in the nicest way possible lol)
So let me try to explain what happens.
When you start a roblox game, all GUI inside of StarterGui is cloned to be in PlayerGui, all players can see the Gui that is in PlayerGui, not StarterGui as it is just a place that holds the Gui.
To fix you’re code you would need to get the Gui from inside of the player like so:
local AbilityList = game.Player.PlayerGui.GuiAbilities
local TouchPart = script.Parent
if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
AbilityList.Enabled = true
Ok so you cant get the Gui cause you dont have the player yet, look at your code, game.Player isnt a thing just so ya know (sorry if that sounds harsh), you need to use game.Players.LocalPlayer,this will give you the local player, which in this case is what ya need!
StarterGui puts a screen gui into the PlayerGui, inside the player in the Players service. To open the ui from a remote script, you need to call the player, so game.Players[the players name].PlayerGui[Your gui name].Enabled = true should do the trick.
local AbilityList = game.Player.PlayerGui.GuiAbilities
local TouchPart = script.Parent
if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
AbilityList.Enabled = true
local AbilityList = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GuiAbilities
local TouchPart = script.Parent
if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
AbilityList.Enabled = true
Try that, see again game.Player isnt a thing, Game.Players is, game.Players allows you to get the local player which is what we need in this case
First off wheres you script parented? Are there any errors in the out put? Also try this:
local AbilityList = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("GuiAbilities",30)
local TouchPart = script.Parent
if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
AbilityList.Enabled = true
Its not about that. You need to put the AbilityList variable inside the function. We can’t write code for you, but screw it. You need to put local AbilityList = player.PlayerGui["GuiName"] after the player variable.
OHH wait yeah thats a good point. Ok @ElectroFLash_1 parent this script in like StarterPlayerScripts, or heck in your UI and then do this:
local TouchPart = workspace.TouchPart -- this assumes that the parts name is TouchPart and it is parented to the workspace. If it isnt named TouchPart then please rename it to that and make sure it is parented to the workspace
local AbilityList = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GuiAbilities
local TouchPart = workspace.Obby.SelectAbilityRing.Part
if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
AbilityList.Enabled = true
this is how I modeled it and somewhere I keep making mistakes
Ok look I advise with all my heart and soul that you put this down and go learn the basics, it will help you SO MUCH with this problem to the point it wouldnt be a problem!! It’d help you out a lot!!!
Also where did you parent this script?
Anyhow my guess is that you need to use :WaitForChild() when you go to get the gui, I’d give you the code but this is a time where you need to learn, so to help ya out:
Hint all you need to do is
game.Players.LocalPlayer -- then by reading the document I sent you add the wait for child here so you can wait for your Gui to load in!
If you have any more questions feel free to ask, but first try everything I said and read everything I said, itll help a lot
You need to use remote events. The server will fire the remote event when the part is touched and the client will make the gui become visible when the event is fired. If you have questions on how to do this exactly, just ask.