Open Gui Not Working

Screenshot 2024-08-11 211359

I already tried that, but I put that local script back where it was originally because I thought it might help


but how, as I’m already tired with so many errors

Well I have to go for a bit, Ill look at it again when I return. Good luck!

local AbilityList = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("GuiAbilities")
local TouchPart = workspace.Obby.SelectAbilityRing.Part
print("AbilityList:", AbilityList)

	if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
		local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
		AbilityList.Enabled = true

Put the line print("AbilityList:", AbilityList) somewhere in your code that’s not under the TouchPart function. Tell me what the result of the print you get is.

nothing, I have the impression that it ignores my script, but it doesn’t ignore other scripts, only this one with the opening of the gui

Is this the one in Workspace, or the same one placed inside StarterPlayerScripts that isn’t working?

local script is placed in StarterPlayerScripts

Is that the same one that is using the .Touched event?

As far as I know of, the only way to use .Touched on a part inside Workspace is by using a script, so therefore you would almost certainly need to use a remote event for this, if not completely.

yes, that’s the script I use

local AbilityList = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("GuiAbilities")
local TouchPart = workspace.Obby.SelectAbilityRing.Part
print("AbilityList:", AbilityList)

	if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
		local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
		AbilityList.Enabled = true

@Foxstream52, @FroDev1002 Correct me if you think I am wrong, but I think it isn’t unnecessary. In fact, as far as I know of .Touched events connected to parts inside Workspace have to use Scripts, since its interacting with the actual model objects relating to all the physical players within the game, located inside Workspace. So you would indeed need what @Foxstream52 said.

but how? that I don’t fully understand

Detect when a part is touched using .Touched like you have done, but inside a script which is directly in the part that you want to detect if it has been touched or not. When it gets touched, it will fire a Remote Event to the client to show the Gui to the player.

local scripts dont work in Workspace
put the script INSIDE the ui itself (to be clean) and change the path to the part in the script

local AbilityList = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("GuiAbilities")
local TouchPart = workspace:WaitForChild("Obby").SelectAbilityRing.Part -- put a waitforchild in localscripts on the first anscestor
print("AbilityList:", AbilityList)

	if (part.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")) then
		local player = game.Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
---- it'll activate if ANYONE touches the part so to fix this;
if not player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then return end
		AbilityList.Enabled = true

the script is put in StarterPlayerScript

still not working how can i fix this???

the script would work fine, the problem would be the ui itself at this point

You cannot put scripts inside ScreenGuis, neither can you directly put ScreenGuis inside Workspace since they will not be shown onto the player’s screen?

are you thinking of surfaceguis?

Not sure what you meant by this: