What is Neverlife Studios?
Neverlife Studios Neverlife Studios is a new Roblox game production group that’s currently working on our first upcoming project called “The Paper Siege.” Production has just begun, and we are looking for developers to complete the team.
You can see our progress so far here: Discord
≫ What is The Paper Siege?
The Paper Siege follows seven genius yet mischievous friends located in the outer skirmishes of England. Their anger grows with England’s attempts to steal their land, and after a failed protest in the streets of England, they find themselves in the center of a government cover-up. With their situation worsening, the group devises a suicide plan to send a message to the world; robbing the “Bank of Athelstan”.
Here is a short description of the game’s “summary”. The game is a semi-realistic first-person shooter story mode game.
We also keep our developer team up to date in a Trello board the staff team and I have set up for easier organization.
Here are some frequently asked questions from previous developers we have hired.
How much money is the game expected to get?
We have not estimated that as our community is very small, we are growing it while we develop our game releasing various leaks and having community events. We also are planning multiple devex products that will be released, there all jotted down in our Trello board
Will the game release only when it’s finished?
The game will be released in different uncompleted versions of the game: alpha and beta, me and our staff team have not yet come to a conclusion if we will make the unfinished version paid or not.
What if for example in a period of time I won’t be available?
Then that’s that, hopefully, at that point, you have made some models so we can still continue development
everyone is gonna have a problem here or there and that’s perfectly fine.
Here is a messy google forum I created for more information:
About the Job
We are looking for a scripter who has experience in creating advanced fps framework systems. Your job will be to script an optimized and configurable framework system that can work with multiple weapons and has a universal standard rig setup. It should also be multiplayer friendly. You will be provided with all materials necessary such as; Animations, Models, VFX, UI, and anything more you may need. We can provide more details and discuss via Discord or DevFourm. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.
Advanced and Confirguable Gun system.
Work Quality Examples
Multiplayer Gameplay example
Streamable Video
The system should include 3rd person animations, the user will not be allowed to go into third person but other users can see their third-person perspective.
M4A1 FPS Example
Leaning Example
Part Movement
Streamable Video
(this will not work on all parts, there should be a way to add a script into a part/model for this effect to be able to happen)
Audio Advancement
2021-09-14 18-48-32
(we will provide you with different SFX for each environmental stage with the gun audio for a better surround audio effect)
(self explanatory)
2021-09-14 19-08-13
Recoil and Velocity
Motion Blur
Wallbang/Bullet Marks
(I could not find a decent Roblox example, but R6 has a good example of what I need. This part is a little more advanced to create, and is not required but is something that would be cool to also have if you are incapable of making the holes in the wall, we can stick to regular wall bangs)
Gun statistics
Gun statistics
Hole Sizes/Character Damage
Shell Ejection
Some of these examples are quite advanced and will take to develop. Not all of the features have to meet the EXACT example requirements but are features we’d like to have implemented into the system for an advanced and realistic experience on Roblox. Don’t be scared about the amount of work included with creating this system, there is no scheduled release date, and we are taking our time to release a front-page Roblox game!
FPS System
Created by: Jiwonz
[NEW, WIP] Front of us Deathmatch (Framework Test) - Roblox
Technical Stuff
Shockwave FPS Engine
Shockwave FPS Engine - YouTube
Audio Advancement
Created by: Tom_atoes
gun framework - Roblox
Scripter Requirements and Responsibilities
Must be 13 years of age or older.
Must have a discord account.
Must have a well-developed experience in creating frameworks
Active in scripting
Great understanding of optimization and organization we endure.
Communicate efficiently
Good work schedule to complete tasks by or close to the said deadline
A basic understanding of the system mechanics
Payment options can be negotiated in DM’s. But, we are willing to offer up to 0-150 USD+ and or % of game revenue.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord @JaymarThePG#0999