[OPEN] Hiring a scripting teacher!

Hey there I’m @Bestinhop23 on Roblox and Discord (with #0023 as tag). I’m looking for someone to teach me very advanced scripting in 7 hour long sessions (two sessions are 1.5 hours). Keep in mind, that I am well versed with some basics.

What I want to learn

Session 0: (5 minutes): Introduction and discussion about everything
Session 1: Data Stores
Session 2: Continuation of DataStores and starting with Moving Parts of Vehicles
Session 3 (1.5 Hour Session): Continuation of previous and starting with Math and CFrames
Session 4: Module Scripts
Session 5: HTTPServices
Session 6: Catalog and other Custom Avatar Items
Session 7: Overview/Doubts/Other Issues

This is the planned time for the first Session: 2020-07-18T15:00:00Z Changeable but preferred

What you should be well versed with

Module Scripts
Data Stores
Moving Parts (Velocity, Speed etc.)
CFrames and Math in Lua
Custom Avatar Items Scripting
Other Basic Scripting


Prices are negotiable. I am willing to pay 20-25 USD for 7 hour long sessions (two sessions are 1.5 hours). PayPal is my payment method.


You can contact me on Discord by sending a friend request - Bestinhop23#0023, I generally accept it within 1-12 hours.

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :sunglasses:

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Hi. I myself started scripting recently and here are a bunch of usefull things that helped me.
Lua learning (Game)
CKStudio+ (Plugin)
Alvin Blox (Channel)
Gamer M8 (Channel)
Sheasu (Channel)
TheDevKing (His scripting series) (Channel)
How to roblox (Channel)


There is no need to hire someone to teach you those, there are multiple free resources and I know of a group that has active decent scripters that help.

It’s called “Scripters” the 26th group on Roblox, you could join the discord and get your questions answered.
Also, I could easily find a job that pays around 7/hr, you’re basically offering below minimum wage…

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Thanks for your help, first of all. I did say prices are negotiable and people are negotiating.

Thanks again,

I will check them out!

Thanks for your help!

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